LIVE- from The Isle of MisFit Toys!

I gotta tellya- “it ain’t easy bein’ me”….

still not 100%, but here I am, on the ethereal plane again with the people I miss most!

did you miss me? I REALLY  missed You!  (o gods- to participate in intelligent, positive, warm & friendly conversation once again- you have no idea what it’s been like without Y’all in my daily Life!  for that matter- to not hafta explain humour all the time will be an incredible respite for my weary Soul….)

(we have so much catchin’ up to do…. fetch yourself a beverage & pull up a chair! I wanna hear everything Y’all been up to since I went Dark (been offline)!

lemme tellya a little tale ‘bout a HippiBilli WoodNymph and her Groovi Duck, trying to find their place in the World, while isolated on an island somewhere in the Great Whyte Northe….

Swim with Abbi in the Sound 046

hmmm.  okay- that’s BS.  outside of the fact that it’s me we’re talkin’ bout here, this story all by itself is anything but short.  another fact that’s important for you to keep in the forefront of your mind is that any task off-grid takes 12- steps and 5x more time to do than anything you consider simple.  no.  that wasn’t judgment you heard in my voice- I was You once, not so long ago.

I had electrics, indoor bathroom facilities, with running water…. water pressure…. with a temperature range warmer than ‘ice’, water that actually came up outta the ravine to me- indoors, cable, phone, internet, coffee waiting in the maker on the counter- hot & ready to drink when I walked into my warm, raccoon-free kitchen every morning.  you gotta know tho’, outside of everything being a tad more complicated– I don’t really miss it like most folk might.

Giggle!  I see ya noticed I was sittin’ here in my truck, with the engine idling (don’t get excited- still haven’t got down on my priority list to the entry entitled, ‘Slave Cylinder’ yet, but ‘my pony’ always did ‘run’!)  with the radio playin’ (gods- it’s been so long since I been able to hear music of my own choosing– almost driven insane by the sports and talk radio that plays everyday on the other side of My Ravine…. tho’ I was able to make a pact with my neighbors that we’d have Noise-Pollution-Free-Tuesdays so that I can meditate on what Nature’s been trying to say to me thru the din….).  anyway- here I sit- coffee hanging from it’s holder on the door, foot up on the open window, my Duck beside me (Abbi says ‘Howdy!”) catchin’ up with my Friends as my laptop battery charges with my truck, 1 hr charge

while I wait for the internet serviceman to come and hook my internet up to the right house…..

The Groovi-est, Purple-Beaded, Ever-Laughin', Dukk-Lovin', Barefoot, Dirt-Farmin', Hippi Chikki that you'll ever have the Sublime Pleasure to get to know!

Posted in Adventures of a Wild Island VIOLET!
5 comments on “LIVE- from The Isle of MisFit Toys!
  1. InfiniteZip says:

    You always make me smile picturing the life….I don’t think I could do it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Can’t believe you can’t escape neighbours’ noise, even where you are- I hate that. Good negotiating.

    Liked by 1 person

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